Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog writing?
This website I feel is important. the most important piece of advice that I got from the blog was that you can produce a lengthy article about something, but most of the time its not important. They said instead of "punching" something out you should create something. If you make your article creative it will keep the article interesting for the reader and help them stay engaged. Also, I love that the blog gives you steps on how to produce a great creative article. The blog takes it a step further to help your blog strive. It tells you how you can make your blog scannable. If others scan your blog there is a higher chance of more people seeing your blog. In today's society people have very short attention spans. I'm losing focus just writing this. Just kidding. However, the blog does recommend that you keep your post under 100 words. Also, to engage readers you should have attention grabbing titles. The titles should be informative short and eye catching.
 A piece of advice that I took from this blog about blogging is that readers will continue to visit your blog if they like your writing styles and what you have to say. With that said I like that they advice that you keep your blog personable and have an appealing tone, it could be a playful, exciting, serious, or joking tone. Whatever it is do what works for you and makes your readers and yourself happy.

Blog Rules, Blog Writing, Layout and Blog Post Formatting

From this article I grasped the understanding that people have short attention spans and that is amplified when reading on a screen vs. reading print. I know personally when I am reading something on the computer I get distracted very easily. I tend to have multiple tabs open and will jump back and forth between tabs. With that being said im sure my reads probably do the same thing and I know that by following the advice given to me by this blog I can standout from the crowd of blogs.
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The inverted triangle approach is important. Talk about the core issues first to engage your reader and keep their attention. I think that if you grab their attention in the beginning then they will read your post all the way till the end. And that is the core objective RIGHT?

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